Produced at Mt Garnet & Chillagoe
Lime (CaCO3) is a strong source of Calcium (Ca) and is used to raise soil pH (reduce soil acidity) which in turn improves the uptake of NPK fertilisers. It is also used in stock feeds, aquaculture, as a neutraliser of acid sulphate soils and as inert fillers in many other industrial applications. Note: Our lime is calcium carbonate, it is not hydrated or quick lime.
Lime 38.5% Ca
Produced at Mt Garnet
Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) is often used to adjust soil pH in the same way as lime with the added benefit of Magnesium (Mg) to assist in balancing the soils Calcium to Magnesium ratio. A good ratio assists in moving nutrients through the plant.
Dolomite 18% Ca, 11% Mg
Produced at Mt Garnet
Lime Dolomite Blends
Lime and dolomite blends are available to provide a standard 3% or 5% magnesium content, but can also be customised on request to suit your specific needs.
- Blend 3 – 32% Ca, 3% Mg
- Blend 5 – 29% Ca, 5% Mg
Produced at Winton
Gypsum (CaSO4.2H20) is very soluble compared to lime and is used as a quick source of calcium (Ca) but does not adjust the pH of the soil. The sulphur (S) in the gypsum supports and enhances the photosynthesis process. Gypsum is very soluble compared to lime and is regularly used as a clay breaker to help with water penetration and retention in areas that are irrigated. It is also used extensively for road and mining rehabilitation work.
Gypsum 18% Ca, 14% S
Produced at Chillagoe
Calcium Silicate
Calcium silicate (Ca2SiO4 / Ca2SiO3) is a naturally occurring mineral (not mixed) which adjusts soil acidity similar to lime with the added benefit of silicon which strengthens the cell walls in plants and helps the plant resist pests and diseases.
Calcium Silica 35% Ca, 13% Si
Available from Mt Garnet, Mt Molloy and Mirriwinni
Magnesium Carbonate
Magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) will raise soil pH and help improve the chlorophyll (green pigment) in plants which in turn improves photosynthesis and plant growth. Magnesium carbonate can also be blended with lime to form several standard or custom blends.
- Mag Carb 3 – 35% Ca, 3% Mg
- Mag Carb 5 – 32% Ca, 5% Mg
- Mag Carb 8 – 28% Ca, 8% Mg
Available from Mt Garnet, Mt Molloy, Mirriwinni, Innisfail and Atherton
Magnesium Oxide
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) will raise soil pH and help improve the chlorophyll (green pigment) in plants which in turn improves photosynthesis and plant growth. Magnesium oxide has a higher magnesium content, is very soluble and is faster acting than magnesium carbonate. Both can also be blended with lime to form several standard or custom blends.
- Mag Oxide 3 – 36% Ca, 3% Mg
- Mag Oxide 5 – 34% Ca, 5% Mg
- Mag Oxide 8 – 32% Ca, 8% Mg
Processed at Winton
Natural Rock Phosphate
Rock phosphate is a natural source of phosphorus (P) and supports strong root development over longer periods (12 months or more) but requires soil acidity levels of pH 6 or more to activate. 1 tonne per hectare on an average pasture has the ability to supply up to 6 years of phosphorus.
Natural Rock Phosphate – 21% Ca, 10% P
Packaging and Delivery
Packaging Options
Most of our products are available in various packaging and delivery options including;
Delivered and spread in bulk
Delivered in bulk
1 tonne bags
½ tonne bags
25kg bags
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